Just click on any image below to download a guide


Portion Control

A simple guide to measuring portion sizes that are perfect for you no matter your goal

Supershake Guide

Learn how to make deliciously nutritious shakes to help when you’re short on time but want to eat healthy

Supermarket Shopping Guide

A extensive list of the healthiest foods to help guide you through the supermarket

Importance of Sleep

A guide to why getting enough sleep is more important to achieving your goals that you think. Plus, way to improve sleep

Alcohol Guide

An easy to follow list of the most common drinks and their calorie amounts

Meal Prep Guide

A simple and easy to follow step-by-step guide to how to plan meals each day and week

Goal Setting Guide

A step-by-step approach to setting fitness and nutrition goals

Macro Cheat Sheet

A quick list of all of the main types of foods (AKA Macro(nutrients)

7-Steps to Healthy Eating

A simple formula of how to eat that can fit in to anyones lifestyle and preferences

Protein Power Guide

A guide to the most common protein powders so you can decided which one is right for you