Gary Ball

  • Age - 38

  • Occupation - Fire Service Commander

  • Training with Mark - 5 months

  • Service used - Personal training

  • Favourite movie - Bridget jones diary

  • Random fact - Nearly turned Pro Golfer at 20

Personal Challenges

  • Being very sedentry and working in an office job/on the road

  • Gets bored very quickly

  • Lower back isseus due to travelling for work

  • Upper body postural issues due to job

Strategies used to overcome challenges

  • Gave him a programme that changed just at the right time so he never got bored

  • Designing a programme that increases his muscle mass in all the right places

  • Constant guidance and support to keep him motivated

  • Intelligent exercise selection which included core and postural work

  • Ensured his programme consisted of his favourite exercies to keep his enjoyment up

Memorable moments

  • Being able to perform pull-ups with 20kg weights attached to him

  • Improving his confidence in and out of the gym

  • Going from chicken legs to a set of pins his wife loves

  • Deadlifting over 130kg and bench pressing over 100kg

  • Having to change his wardrobe due to clothes being too tight in places πŸ’ͺ

How did you feel about yourself/weight/person etc. before working with Mark? What sort person were you?

Not to bad, but would find lots of excuses not to train. I was getting a bit overweight and felt unfit. Some denial about it I guess, but would always be too busy.

What did you try in the past to solve that problem before using Mark?

Simple. lift heavy quickly and get big...... If only that worked...... I don’t have much patience so I was always very stop start with gym memberships. Plus I  never trained legs because that was just crazy to me πŸ€ͺ Why would you do that 😜 Now I know.

Why did you choose Mark to help you achieve your health and fitness goals?

Because of his years of experience and realism towards my goals. He doesn’t tell you what you want to hear - he tells you how it is. Everything is very bespoke to each individual and monitored.

How is/was working with Mark different from what you had previously tried?

Most PTs I’ve used in the past seem to go through the motions and repeat the same stuff every week. With Mark, every workout is varied and it’s all about moving with weights and not just picking them up and down again.

What problems have you overcome since working with Mark? Could be nutritional, injuries, habits, confidence, weight loss etc.

I now have a fairly decent pair of legs πŸ‘Œ. Well my wife thinks so ☺️ My posture is much better and I feel stronger too. I eat so better and feel more in tune with my body’s needs.

After working with Mark how do you feel now? Do you feel different? Describe the person you are now.

Certainly more confident. Not afraid to take my t-shirt off down the beach. I feel stronger and fitter which helps having 2 young sons to chase around.