Linda Alexander

  • Age - 62

  • Occupation - Full time housewife

  • Training with Mark - 5 years

  • Service used - 1-2-1 personal training and online nutrition coaching

  • Favourite movie - The Green Mile

  • Random fact - If she come closer than 5 metres away from latex her head explodes (ok not true but Linda has a latex allergy)

Personal Challenges

  • Daily pain in her due to knees replacement

  • Low confidence in the gym and her ability

  • Not ever being constant with healthy eating

  • Having an all or nothing mindset

Strategies used to overcome challenges

  • Designing a progressive resistance programme using key exercises that strengthen her knees to be bulletproof

  • Slowly build her confidence through resistance training and achieving set milestones

  • Gave her guidance and tailored her nutrition to her needs through nutrition coaching

  • Spent time helping her realise consistency is the key not an all or nothing approach

Memorable moments

  • Staying pain free since starting to train with Mark

  • Deadlifting 1.5x her bodyweight

  • Cleaning 20kg kettlebells with ease

  • Feeling better everyday and not being too hard on herself

  • Finally stopped using fad diets to lose weight and is now consistent with her food

How did you feel about yourself/weight/person etc. before working with Mark? What sort person were you?

Tired . Frumpy and lack of confidence.


What did you try in the past to solve that problem before using Mark?

The usual slimming clubs joined a gym and did classes.


Why did you choose Mark to help you achieve your health and fitness goals?

Mark was working at the gym I joined and I used to see him working with his clients , always looked like they were enjoying themselves while working out and the exercises looked good to.


How is/was working with Mark different from what you had previously tried?

Working with Mark is very professional and his teaching methods work for me to maintain my enthusiasm to keep my drive to enable me to achieve my goals.


What problems have you overcome since working with Mark? Could be nutritional, injuries, habits, confidence, weight loss etc.

I have learnt a lot since working with Mark , how you can workout no matter what your elements are, how nutrition is important and how to fit it into your daily life.


After working with Mark how do you feel now? Do you feel different? Describe the person you are now.

I have changed shape for the better so I’m definitely more confident ,I’m stronger and much more knowledgeable about health and my fitness and what works for me.


What advice would you give someone that is 'on the fence' about using a coach to help them achieve their goals?

Definitely give it a go, Mark is there for you personally, try it you won’t look back best thing I ever did.

"Training with Mark is hard work but always fun. I leave every session with a satisfied smile and a sense of achievement "