I’m all about making nutrition and exercise as simple and easy as possible. Helping people cut through the confusing information and do what actually works.

Rather than finding some new wonder supplement, using the so-called latest β€˜best’ diet/fitness routine to achieve the body you want, we focus on what nature intended us. To eat, real food and to move everyday.

You won’t hear me talk about paleo, low carb, high protein, or any stupid over the top exercise routine. Just simple wholesome, nutritious foods that nature gave us, while keeping processed foods that make us sick and overweight to a minimum. All while using exercises that work with your body and routines that won’t make you hate life and that are actually enjoyable (even fun. Yes, training should be fun

All this isn’t the typical cookie-cutter approach, each plan for both nutrition and exercise is completely individualised to you. You’re amazing unique so your training should be the same.

It’s also not just about nutrition and exercise but how you live your life. I’ll have you developing new skills and habits that work around your lifestyle so you know you can keep them up. These new skills and habits can help shape you and your environment making it far easier achieve your goals.

Instead of dreading workouts and new habits you’ll feel like the dog in the photo. Alive, happy and excited about what’s next!

What being coached by me β€˜IS’ and β€˜ISN’t’ 


What it β€˜IS’

Figuring out what works for you

Eating yummy nutritious foods

Being relaxed around food and enjoying it

Eating the things you love - YES even foods like cakes and pizza

Supportive community

Being diet agnostic 

Principles to live your life by

Using exercises that work for your body and don’t make things hurt

Enjoyable workouts - you’ll never do something you hate ever again

Long-term habit change which works around your lifestyle

What it β€˜ISN’T’

Starving yourself of nutritious foods

Another fad diet

A cult

Reprimanding when things go wrong

Giving yourself a hard time when you make a mistake 

Negative self-talk

Eating out of Tupperware constantly

β€˜Beasting’ you every session (or any session to be precise) so you' feel sick

Mindless hours on running on a treadmill or any other thing you hate

Quick fixes that make you rebound back and above your current weight